I have a little secret that nobody knows,
I'll share it with you, though -- I talk to my toes!
And do they answer? Oh, yes they do!
You may not believe me, but it's perfectly true.
One day as I took off my socks and shoes,
My toes told me that they had the blues!
"Do you have any idea how cramped and hot
We are those shoes? We hate it, we hate it a lot!"
"I'm sorry," I replied, "But toes can't talk!"
"Yes we can," they cried, "we don't just walk,
You heard us just now, so why do you say
That toes can't talk?" I said, "No way!"
And since that day, we've had many chats
How nice it is to run barefoot in the grass,
And how yucky it is to step on broken glass!
We discuss the merits of nice long soak,
And how bad it would be if one of them broke.
We talk about everything, even the weather,
And how fun it is to be tickled with a feather!
And by the way, they only speak Toe-ese,
Somehow I knew it, and they were pleased!
To you it may be nonsense or crazy or nuts,
Still I tell you truth fully, no ifs ands or buts
That toes are intelligent, and they do speak.
If you listen closely, you might hear a squeak,
But, don't be surprised if you don't understand,
For I'm the only person I know of in the land
Who talks to her toes and hears them talk too,
If you can't talk with your toes, I'm sorry for you!
A poem for Jan's granddaughter Jaedyn
and from Auntie Jamie
Author: Kim Cruson
Used with permission